
Help create a new Vectorzoa game!
In 2007/8 Vectorzoa will be releasing another original game concept for Vectrex. The anticipiated title will be "Spike's Sea Snap Safari" and will combine relaxing imagery with original arcade action gameplay. The game will involve a variety of exciting graphics combined with concepts such as swarm (shoal) modelling. The exact date that SSSS will be released will depend upon the number of aquatic characters Vectorzoa receives to use within the game. See below!

For the first time Vectorzoa would like to offer you the opportunity to contribute to a Vectrex game! To enable this Vectorzoa has produced a Vectrex Drawing Test Tool that enables you to write your own assembly code to produce exciting imagery on any Vectrex or in emulators such as Vecx and the new and powerful ParaJVE. This is a VERY simple process and can be undertaken by anyone of any age.

By using this Drawing Test Tool you can create characters that will be incorporated into the full "Spike's Sea Snap Safari." game! Any form of aquatic life will be considered including (lots of varieties of) fish, crabs, squids, octopi, sharks, jellyfish, etc. however since the ocean is full of FISH, drawing FISH will be greatly appreciated and will have more chance of appearing in the final game (but do what you find most FUN!) Simply send the EDITTHIS.ASM file as an email attachment along with your name and the name of your creation/drawing as you would like it to be named in the game to with a subject of SSSS (character name)

All submissions for SSSS will be drawn, credited and displayed in a gallery at

All submissions that are included in the game will gain their creator an entry in the SSSS game credits (on the released ROM cart!) and a proportional discount on the final game price.

Submissions that are not of an aquatic life nature will also be displayed on in an alternative gallery. The DTT can be used to create anything! Note any images/binaries created using this tool, should acknowledge Vectorzoa if they are displayed/distributed publically. is also providing a second version for you to use supporting multi-frame animations to allow amazing effects of motion! It is up to you which you use, although Vectorz recommends you start with the simple tool first. Once you are comfortable feel free to generate animations of up to 8 frames! It's fun, so get creating!

This is an excellent activity for young and old alike, both enabling true creativity and exercising the mind in producing the necessary supporting code. School teachers may find this is fun activity for teaching basic math and geometry to their classes. All subnmissions are very welcome.